Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Videos about the Respiratory System

Here are a few videos with simple introductions to the Respiratory System for children. My favorite is from the Magic Box Animation Studio. The narrator is an Indian lady with perfect enunciation and a friendly and attention-grabbing disposition--every engaging for the kiddos:

Another video with easy-to-understand animation (including subtitles) is:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hc1YtXc_84A. The narrator has a British accent, so he pronounces some of the words differently than we do here in America. However, since it has subtitles, it's easy to figure out what he's referring to (e.g: "capillaries").

By far, the best video and most-informative, creation-based presentation is called The Miracle of Respiration. According to the person who uploaded it, The Miracle of Respiration "...is a seven part series about the repertory system. Each part focuses on one particular section of the flawless system and explains why a creator designed the system."

The videos are wonderfully informative with absolutely amazing graphics and animation and a SOLID theistic creation worldview. The narration is easy to understand, and it promotes a Christian/Jewish/Islamic worldview and "the incomparable art of God's creation" and the "perfection of God's creation." Throughout the entire series, there are many references to God as Creator as well as proof  against Darwinism and evolution.  

Every once in a while, during the video, there is an ad that pops up referring to "Harun Yahya" (which is the pen name of a man Adnan Oktar). He is an influential Muslim teacher and author who is a staunch believer in God as our Creator. There are only a few places in the seven YouTube videos where there is anything at all that would identify them as having been produced by a Muslim, and they can easily be skipped as they are located at the end of various sections. (See my notes about "How to skip to the end" of YouTube videos.)

I see nothing wrong with watching these videos and bypassing the parts where they quote the Qu'ran. I would hate to miss out on the opportunity to show these amazing videos just because I don't read or teach the Qu'ran. The videos are amazing!!! But remember to pay attention, watch the videos with your child(ren), and be ready to "skip to the end" on parts 2, 4, 5, 6, and end early on 7.  


  1. Pause the video at the appropriate time marker (shown as the first number next to the volume control in the YouTube player).
  2. Drag the round place holder--which should be showing you where in the timeline the video was paused--to the end of the video timeline. (To do this, you will need to hover over the place marker, click and drag to the end, then release or "unclick" the mouse.)
  3. Press PLAY. This will play the last second of that video segment and bring up a video montage where you can click to view the next "part" in the series. The next part usually shows up automatically in the top left-hand corner of the montage. If you hover, the title will appear. Simply click it to get on with the show.

IMPORTANT: Before you show this video series to your child(ren), please be sure to read my notes on parts 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Part 1: Breathing

Part 2: The Nose
There is a quote from the Qu'ran at 9:21 in Part 2. You can easily skip that when you get to 9:19 (right after the narrator says, "God created you."). Skip to the end and head on to the next video; you won't miss anything except the quote from the Qu'ran.

Part 3: The Windpipe

Part 4: The Lungs
There is a quote from the Qu'ran at 7:40 in Part 4. You can easily skip that when you get to 7:38 (right after the narrator says,"God's part of creation is flawless and incomparable.") Skip to the end and head on to the next video; you won't miss anything except the quote from the Qu'ran.

Part 5: Hemoglobin
There is a quote from the Qu'ran at 6:13 in Part 5. You can easily skip that when you get to 6:09 (right after the narrator says,"Even a hemoglobin molecule on its own is evidence of the invalidity of the theory of evolution and proof of the perfection of God's creation.") Skip to the end and head on to the next video; you won't miss anything except the quote from the Qu'ran.

Part 6: The Brain
There is a quote from the Qu'ran at 4:46 in Part 6. You can easily skip that when you get to 4:43 (right after the narrator says,"The flawless and interconnected systems work and serve beyond the individual's control, will, and knowledge.") Skip to the end and head on to the next video; you won't miss anything except the quote from the Qu'ran.

Part 7: Conclusion
There are three different stopping points with the conclusion:
  • Option 1: End at 1:30The first logical end could be at 1:30, right after the narrator says, "A person's taking just one single breath is a great miracle requiring gratitude to God."
  • Option 2: End at 1:54You could continue watching and end the video at 1:54, right after the narrator says, "Until God claims your soul back in the same way that He gave it to you." Personally, I find this scene a little disturbing, because it looks like someone is dying, taking his last breath. But, it's powerful, too...use your own judgment on ending here.
  • Option 3: End at 2:26
    Final stopping point for non-Muslims would be at 2:26, right after the narrator says, "When that day comes, when you take your last breath, you will have to give account for everything you did and every blessing given to you throughout your life." The screen fades to black at 2:27, and it's a logical stopping point. Otherwise, you'll be getting into Islamic theology and quotes from the Qu'ran will be hard to skip, because there's not much time to pause the video.
In my own "conclusion," I would like to highly recommend this video for homeschooling parents who want their child(ren) to understand the respiratory system. Just pay attention to the stopping points, and don't be afraid to skip to the end. If you've never done it before, practice with Part 2. This way, you can practice skipping to the end and going to the next video. 

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